The IMC Zine Library is a donation-based, volunteer-run zine library in Urbana, Illinois. The Radical Librarians and Anarchist Archivists collective started the IMC Zine Library, and our working group currently manages the collection and outreach. Over the last decade, thousands of zine makers sent us their precious words and illustrations, which are available for browsing. We aim to act as a Midwest nexus for zine making, collecting, and community art.
Our working group volunteers conduct many activities to maintain this local gem. We catalog zines, plan zine-making events, provide library tours, participate in the biennial Small Press Fest, and so much more. We need your help to sustain and grow the IMC Zine Library! Here's how you can get involved:
Attend in-person general volunteer meetings on the first Thursday of each month from 6:30-8:00 PM at the IMC.
Join the IMC Zine Library working group lead committee. We're looking for a Funding Lead, Volunteer Recruitment Lead, and Engagement Lead.
Browse the collection during IMC open hours.
Donate your zine/print/sticker/reallycoolart.
To get involved or learn more about the IMC Zine Library, email [email protected].
To donate your work, drop it at the Zine Library mailbox (located at the IMC just through the red doors) during open hours or mail us at 202 S. Broadway Ave Suite 100 Urbana, Illinois 61801.
To see what your local zine librarians are up to, follow us on Instagram @uc.imczines. Please note that we are not actively using Twitter (X) or Facebook, but the accounts remain open as archives.
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