UCIMC Members Visit Highlander for a Week-Long Cultural Organizing Training
Miriam Larson, IMC’s Executive Director, traveled with local activists Sana Saboowala (CU Muslim Action Committee) and Amir Ammons (Kufundisha University), to Tennessee in early August for a week-long Cultural Organizing Training at Highlander Research and Education Center. Started in the 1930s by educator and labor activist Myles Horton, Highlander has been a hub for social movement training ever since. Throughout its 90+ year history, luminaries who have gathered at Highlander include Fannie Lou Hamer, Martin Luther King and Septima Clark.
Amir, Miriam and Sana pose with the Highlander welcome sign.
Sana and Amir pose with other workshop participants and two special guest speakers, Michael Simmons and Gwendowlyn Zoharah Simmons, former SNCC members who shared stories and wisdom.
What is Cultural Organizing?
Highlander defines cultural organizing as, "the strategic use of art and culture to shift and move more progressive policies and practices within marginalized communities." Alongside 34 other activists and artists, we realized that we are all doing this in some fashion. But we gained tools to validate what we are already doing and get more intentional.
One of the most useful tools that allowed us to aspire to more integrated organizing was the Cultural Organizing Triangle created by Tufara Muhammad and Ebony Noelle Golden. Take a look and ask yourself, how does your organizing incorporate the three sides of the triangle?
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