December 03, 2022 at 2:00pm
3 hrs

Work. Draw. Rest. Meet. Paint. Craft.
Dance. Collab. Design. Read. Play.
Dance. Collab. Design. Read. Play.
All ages and children welcome.
Music curated by bla(CK)mau
Music curated by bla(CK)mau
First Saturdays 2:00 - 5:00 pm
Hosted & sponsored by the Independent Media Center
Coffee sponsored by Caffe Paradiso and Mad Goat Coffee
Hosted & sponsored by the Independent Media Center
Coffee sponsored by Caffe Paradiso and Mad Goat Coffee
202 S. Broadway Ave Urbana, IL
Downtown Urbana Post Office Building
Downtown Urbana Post Office Building
Note: December 3rd we'll have another zine library meet up! Come hang in the zine library, learn about how to catalog zines, meet other zine enthusiasts!
The UCIMC is dedicated to accessibility. Our ramp is located at the south entrance. If you have other needs for any event, from access to translation, please contact us at 217-344-8820 OR [email protected].
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