Welcome to the Community Wellness and Solidarity page. This group is a project of the UC-IMC which aims to convene the community to discuss problems and recommend solutions to increase community safety and wellness in ways that center on impacted residents, are trauma-informed and are guided by race, gender, and class equity.
Get involved!
Sign up to be on the community discussion listserv here.
Check out the Community Solidarity Blog - www.ucimc.org/commsol_blog
Our advocacy for community based public safety solutions continues
Update 11/6: Champaign County's Public Safety Sales Tax did not pass. There will be no increase to Champaign County's Public Safety Sales Tax.
Champaign County was asking for yet another public safety sales tax which would raise ~$6.5 to $7 million per year for the criminal justice system by increasing the cost of consumer goods purchased in our county. The Board has not committed to a clear plan for how they would spend the funds but they have suggested that the bulk would go to the Sheriff's Department and State's Attorney's Office with a small percentage going to the Public Defender's Office. Learn more here: www.ucimc.org/salestax
Thanks to your voice: alternative response fund, social service funding, and fewer new police hires
Thanks to hundreds of petition signers and city council meeting attendees, the Urbana City Council held strong with fewer police funding and added more funding for social services.
While this is not a perfect outcome, we should be proud that we held the line at 5 additional staff in the police department (down from the requested 11).
Check out this fact sheet to learn more about the issue.
Learn more about some of the recent work of the UC-IMC and Community Wellness and Solidarity group including the Public Safety Forum recordings here.
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