Support Bread & Puppet Performance in Urbana

Bread and Puppet Theater is visiting Champaign-Urbana on Wednesday, September 28th for a FREE performance at Crystal Lake Park - Cannon Ball Hill - in Urbana. Their visit is hosted by School for Designing a Society, the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center and Allen Hall. We are able to partially cover event costs and artists fees with a grant from the Urbana Arts and Culture Program. However, we hope to raise $2000 from our community to be able to fully compensate Bread and Puppet Theater. We hope you can help support these amazing artists with any size contribution! 

UCIMC allocates 10% to administrative fees. All donations are fully tax deductible.

Consider increasing your donation by 10% to offset administrative costs!



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Contributions are tax deductible.

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Recent Activity

  • donation
    Benjamin L sTone
    donated 2022-09-21 19:35:43 -0500
  • donation
    Stuart Levy
    donated 2022-09-21 19:35:35 -0500
  • donation
    Cunningham Township Supervisor's Office
    donated 2022-09-21 19:22:32 -0500
  • donation
    Donald Owen
    donated 2022-09-17 20:07:17 -0500
  • donation
    Josue Cisneros
    donated 2022-09-16 08:09:18 -0500
  • donation
    Jane McClintock
    donated 2022-09-15 21:14:06 -0500
  • donation
    Sharon Irish
    donated 2022-09-14 12:54:21 -0500
  • donation
    Miriam Larson
    donated 2022-08-25 17:42:05 -0500
  • page published
    Miriam Larson
    published Bread & Puppet in Urbana 2022-08-16 18:46:42 -0500