Donate to Cover Our COVID-19 Income Gap
(photo: board members Ibrahim and Jane tend to the IMC building from a social distance)
As you may know, the IMC has been powerful in it it's COVID -19 response, doing what it's always done: providing an outlet for under-represented voices, and lifting up untold community stories through media, art, and technology.
Because we can't have public events, we are not receiving the venue income we were counting on to pay bills.
Thank you for whatever contribution you can make to help us close the gap! $5 is great, and $150 is very welcome.
Can you become a monthly donor? Please CLICK HERE
Can you make a gift of $250 or more for our matching campaign? CLICK HERE
If you need to pay by credit card, click the Paypal link and then click "pay with debit or credit card"
Please write checks to UC-IMC and send them to 202 S. Broadway Ave, Urbana, IL 61801.
$3,773.00 raised so far. Help us get to $3,500.00
Recent Activity
donationAlice Englebretsen donated 2020-04-22 06:42:41 -0500
donationSheila Parinas donated 2020-04-21 22:51:06 -0500
donationDanielle Chynoweth donated 2020-04-21 20:25:24 -0500
donationelizaBeth Simpson donated 2020-04-20 19:09:45 -0500
donationSam Chakravorty donated 2020-04-14 21:14:01 -0500
donationNick Goodell donated 2020-04-12 19:05:55 -0500